September 2018 President’s Message
Greetings to all of our NJAIHA members! I hope everyone had a great summer as we prepare for new meetings and events for the New Jersey AIHA section. As we move into the fall and the start of a new season for our section, I’d like to update you on a number of important activities that are being planned for the coming year. In August, the Executive Board met to get caught up on current business, and to start planning our upcoming monthly meetings and PDCs for the NEIHC. I am very appreciative and honored to be working with such a fine group of professionals, many of which have served this section for a long period of committed service. These individuals are committed to make NJAIHA a vital aspect of the Industrial Hygiene and EHS professions here in New Jersey and their diverse backgrounds and experiences only adds to our strengths as a section. Thank you Executive Board for your time and contributions!
We will continue with several important initiatives started last year including rebranding NJAIHA and student outreach. Craig did an amazing job with leading the rebranding effort and will be rolling out the new logo, taglines, banners and website over the next few months. This rebranding will be critical for the other initiative of student outreach, which is being managed by Dan Priesler. Dan brings energy and insight into our continued effort to connect with the next generation of industrial hygienists. He is in the process of registering NJAIHA for an October conference where we will network with and educate NJ guidance counselors on the career path for our industry. Our ultimate goal is to establish college student chapters of NJAIHA over the next several years.
Please join me in welcoming Scott Van Etten of EMSL into his new position of President-Elect. Scott has a lot of great ideas for interesting presenters and topics for the coming year. We have set the dates for meetings this fall. For the September and October meetings, they will once again be the third Thursday of each month and at Snuffy’s. For the January to April meetings in 2019, we are open to all topics and even new locations, so if you have any suggestions for this, please reach out to Scott and let him know.
Hold the date of December 5, 2018 on your calendars for the Professional Development Courses (PDCs) which will again be at the PSEG facilities at 4000 Hadley Road in South Plainfield, NJ. If you are interested in being a speaker for our PDC or can recommend someone please contact Craig Doolittle at: or call 973-670-9793. We should have more official information forthcoming over the next month for the PDCs.
Finally as we look to continue and expand the number of attendees at our events and interest in the IH field and certification we look for any input from our membership in these areas. I look forward to seeing all of you at our September 20th meeting at Snuffy’s!
Best Regards,
Doug Glorie
President NJAIHA